Sunday, August 8, 2010

Reach for the Sky!

The sunflowers are still plugging away.
They didn't come up very well this year because of hard rains that hit them
just after they were planted.
You can see lots of bare spots in the field, and they aren't all at the same stage of development.
But they are still plugging away.

What a difference a few days can make!
The sunflowers have doubled their size in a week's time.
I didn't have a yardstick with me and my youngest, who rode her bike to the field with me, absolutely refused to be in the this is your's truly demonstrating how tall the sunflowers are. Bear in mind that I'm pretty small in stature (5'2") and that I really didn't dress to be photographed. Please forgive me! I'm estimating that the largest are 40 inches tall.
The larger sunflowers are developing flower buds!
My best guess for a good weekend to photograph is the 21st/22nd. I'm betting the field will look it's best on Tuesday, the 24th. I'll keep you informed.


  1. Yay - go sunflowers! Thanks for the updates, we're so excited to see them this year :)

  2. I planted seeds this year and none of mine came up...but now I know why! Do you allow people to visit your farm and take photos?

  3. Leslie, Yes, you may come and visit the sunflowers and take pictures. There is a link in the upper right hand corner of the page with a map to the field. We are not an "agri-tourism" place so there is no shop...just a field with flowers that you are welcome to enjoy.


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