Ted has been busy in the field getting the soybeans planted. He needs one or two good days and he will have them all in. By "good days," I mean days without flat tires (he's had more than his fair share of those lately) and little rain. We've had rain, which is good, and so far, it has been relatively light. The sun comes out and dries things out enough that it hasn't stopped work...for too long.
I've been up to my elbows in "kids and their friends out of school for the summer." While I always look forward to school getting out, I forget just how much work it is having more bodies around that seem to constantly need something from me. I haven't been able to shadow Ted as much, but what I have been able to do is to go out into the backyard and take a few pictures...and escape from my kids for a few minutes...
I took these shots today. It was absolutely gorgeous out! We had about a half an inch of rain last night and things were cool and beautiful today. I thought I'd share these pics with you, since I don't have any of Ted changing a tractor tire...which, I'm sure, you would have found immensely interesting.
This water spider was very cooperative for his (or her) portrait sitting. He (or she) never moved even though I got just an inch or two away.
This tadpole just looked frozen in a green bubbly jello or something. I found it interesting. I'm odd.
Water lily...not Monet's and not at
tiger lily that I moved from my old house that was originally
planted by a bird that dropped a seed...I imagine. It just showed up one year.
I really need to write down the name of this flower. I keep asking Mary Jane, and she keeps telling me, and I keep forgetting. I think it's just lovely!
Clematis. I believe the variety is
I hope you enjoyed this little escape to my backyard. I know I did!